Father: "Son 801 Aelbrecht"
Winner of:
8e Nat. Orange 4,443 p.
37e Zone Cahors 2,578 p.
42e Nat. Libourne 6,767 p.
etc. He is a nephew of Leen:
1e Intnat. Narbonne,
and Niq,
1e Ace Pigeon Long Distance.
"Father Tilly"
1e national Tulle
fastest 13.426 p.
Mother: "Sinita"
Father: "Sardus" Son Sars
Grandson National I
super breeder
fthr. 10 x 1e pr.
halbr. Jutta
2e nat. Vichy 11510p.
2e prov. Chateauroux
Mother: "Jutta"
1e prov. 2e nat. Vichy ´03
11 510 pigeons
2e prov. Chateauroux ´03
1e nat acepg.AVR y mp. 2004
20 prices in 2004
acepigeon allround W.Europe
mthr. Dora Mar
Daughter "Sars" x "Utta"